Monday, September 14, 2015

The (Orange) Fashion Guy

by Jackie Piper

My husband isn’t exactly known for being dapper. By that I mean he isn’t really a fashion conscious guy. To be blunt ... some mornings when he comes down to breakfast and I see what he’s wearing, I spit out my toast. Bless his heart. He also, very endearingly, gets attached to certain pieces of clothing. If he loves a shirt, no effort on my part to discourage him from wearing it DAILY (like hiding it at the bottom of the pile) makes any difference. Over the 41 years of our marriage, his style deficit and addiction to a particular shirt has made for some interesting commentary ... as in, “Are you wearing that gold tank top with the little whales on it AGAIN??”.

However, I am happy to report that my husband’s latest shirt addiction is none other than an awesome orange polo shirt with the Challenge Walk logo on the front that I bought last year at the Challenge Walk Silent Auction. I’m not sure who donated it (Pat Heller, maybe?) but I need to track down the donor and give that person a big hug!

If you are a first time walker, you are in for a treat on Challenge Walk weekend. You not only get to walk 50 miles, fight MS, and hang out with the greatest folks you’ll ever meet ... you get to shop! Right now dozens of participants and volunteers are working on amazing donations for the Silent Auction held during the weekend. You’ll get to pick from gift certificates, decor, handmade items, themed baskets, and (if you’re lucky!) really sweet MS apparel. So bring your checkbook and get ready to bid on some very cool stuff. All the proceeds will go to the National MS Society, of course.

On the orange shirt front, I’m happy to report that the Orange Shirt goes with everything, whether it really does or not. The quality is amazing too. The color hasn’t faded one bit even after laundering every third day! And, if there is another orange shirt in the auction this year in the right size, I WILL be the high bidder. Then, the Fashion Guy can wear a bright orange MS Challenge Walk shirt every day!


  1. The MS shirt is a great shirt, but I have such fond memories of the whale tank top.... Maybe we can get the MS Challenge Walk to design an orange whale shirt..... fashion nirvana

  2. Great post! We can't wait for walk weekend!

  3. HI Jackie- I was the one who donated the polo shirt-Glad he loves it! A friend of mine owns a silk screen printing & embroidery place. She donates the embroidery & I buy the shirts/scarf/hats/shorts ect. Sorry I didn't see this till now-Having surgery on my knee in Dec. Found out MS treatments have deadened some of my bones. Dr might take me off my new med due to side effects that are affecting my heart & left eye. This is my 6th MS treatment Med I had 2 stop! :( Hope all is well with you
