Tuesday, April 29, 2014


by Diane Thompson

It is hard to believe that in less than four months, I will be in Tanzania, Africa! Yes, that's right, I am going to AFRICA! Multiple sclerosis is not going to hold me back this time.

Diane Thompson will be traveling to
Tanzania this summer. What a way
to train for Challenge Walk MS!
I have been preparing for this trip since November by working out at the local YMCA with a friend who will also be making the journey with me. Four to five times a week we lift weights, walk or even run a few laps, and enjoy some much needed stretching.

Even more important than the physical strength that I have gained, I have also gained a travel companion who can tell if I am close to "overdoing it." This is very important since I don't always want to listen to my body when I travel. I want to GO, GO, GO!

My neurologist has also been working with me by making sure that all of my shots are up to date and that I will have all of my daily and precautionary medications.

Who knows, maybe I will come back from Tanzania even healthier than when I left. I will be in a village where they don't use any pesticides or herbicides on their food, there is plenty of sunshine, the temperatures will be in the mid 70's and they take naps in the afternoon.

Stay tuned for further details on the "Tanzania Treatment". I will be back from Tanzania for about a month before Challenge Walk MS. I can't wait to share my adventures with all of you!

Friday, April 25, 2014

Ready to Walk?

Walk MS kicks off in Wisconsin this weekend with 10 events throughout the state. Another six events will take place next weekend, and four more walks are scheduled for September (including two new sites in Oshkosh and Stevens Point). If you're at any of the locations, spread the word about another great walk event -- Challenge Walk MS!

For details on the Walk MS dates and locations, visit walkMSwisconsin.org.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

When Do You Replace Your Shoes?

According to "The Walking Site" (www.thewalkingsite.com):  

"Keep track of how many miles you have put on your shoes, and replace them every 300 to 600 miles. (If you are wearing very light weight shoes, are overweight, or you are hard on your shoes stay toward the low end on mileage.) To extend the life of your shoes be sure to only wear them only for your walks. Also rotating two pair of shoes will give them time to 'bounce back' between walks."

What recommendations have you heard?