Monday, September 15, 2014

Word of the Day: Celebrate!

by Jackie Piper (with a tip o' the hat to Molly!)

Did you know that every day is a holiday in America? You should be putting on your party hat every morning because we are always celebrating something!  Little did you know that in the week ahead this great nation will pause to honor and celebrate causes, foods, and just some really weird things. 

Thanks to, I was able to compile some of them for you:  Make a Hot Dog Day, National Play-Doh Day, National Wrinkled Raincoat Day, Miniature Golf Day, and (my personal favorite) National Talk Like a Pirate Day. I swear I'm not making this up! I'm not denying that this is a great list of celebration inspiration, but I have a better list as we prepare to make our way to the Alpine Resort and participate in the MS Challenge Walk weekend. 

September 16 - Thank You Day - Take a moment to thank the folks who donated their time, talent and money to get you to your fundraising goal.

September 17 - Pack Your Socks Day - Go ahead and pack some underwear too!

September 18 - Paint The Peninsula Orange Day - It's arrival day and time to get our ORANGE on!

September 19 - Lace Up Your Shoes Day or Let's Do This Day! - All the walking, training, and fundraising brings us to this day and our first step.

September 20 - Hang In There Day - Sore muscles, tired feet and a few random blisters will not stop us now!

September 21 - Finish Line Day - Pump your fist, lift your chin, stand tall and say, "TAKE THAT MS!!"

Let the celebration begin.

Friday, September 12, 2014

The Word of the Day: VOLUNTEER

by Jackie Piper

Did you know that we are a nation of givers?  Americans are the most charitable people in the world.
Now that statement should give you your smile of the day. We give not only our money to worthy causes, we give our time.  Here are some hard facts about volunteering in America that just made me bust my buttons with pride to be an American.

By the numbers:

26.5%   The percentage of Americans who volunteer

7.9 billion    The number of hours of service given annually

64.5 million   The number of people who volunteer annually

When you compare Americans with Europe, we shine even brighter.  We are 32% more likely to volunteer than Germans and 21% more likely that the Swiss. 

Not surprisingly, the top ten states for volunteering include six from America's heartland.  And yes, Wisconsin is one of them!  I told you that you'd feel proud!!

Next week, those of us who are participating in the Door County Challenge Walk MS will get to benefit from a very special group of volunteers. If you have been a walker in the past, you know what I mean. If you are a new Challenge Walker, get ready to be pampered, spoiled, supported, fed, treated, and cheered by the most amazing group of people ever. They deserve our most heartfelt thanks for all they do to support the cause of ending MS forever!!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Word of the Day: FAMILY

by Jackie Piper

We are FAMILY.  We are the CHALLENGE WALK MS FAMILY.  In the dictionary under "Challenge Walk Family" it says (or it should say!):

A group of people who are united, determined, resilient, focused, 
unstoppable, supportive, single-minded, fun, crazy, loud, 
amazing, and awesome who are dedicated to creating a world free of MS.

Just the kind of family I can't wait to spend three days with!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The Word of the Day: ORANGE

by Jackie Piper

I don’t know about you, but all the time I spend training for Challenge Walk MS gives me a lot of time to think. And wonder. On a walk this week, when I should probably have been thinking about what I’m going to make for dinner or how many of loads of laundry I needed to get done, I was thinking about how ORANGE got to be the “color” of MS. You want to know the answer to that too, right?

I used the “contact us” feature on the National MS Society website.  I simply asked, “How was ORANGE chosen as the awareness color for MS?”  In less than 24 hours I got an answer. (That’s how good they are!)

So here’s the scoop on the color ORANGE and the message behind the MS logo, from Kathryn Finlaw-Heitz of the National MS Society:

“The logo has four primary components: the MS letters, the orange color, the supporting typestyles, and what is called the 'gesture.' The MS letters are set in a contemporary typestyle, Jigsaw, which suggests movement.

By adding a simple mark to the letters ‘MS’, we express our opposition to the disease in the most direct possible way. This mark also celebrates and expresses movement—and uses that movement to make a statement against MS. The MS and the mark remain readable and the message is clear.

The color, a warm orange, creates the urgency and visibility that enables it to stand out in a crowded cultural marketplace. Through research, we also know that orange means some very powerful things to people. Orange is generally regarded as:
  • Optimistic
  • Contemporary
  • Cutting edge

Orange is... a symbol for MS around the world.”

I’m looking at the logo in a whole new way. And I cannot wait to paint Door County optimistic, contemporary, cutting edge ORANGE!!!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

The Word of the day: ONE

by Jackie Piper

One.  As in “the power of one”.

Have you ever felt helpless in the face of a monumental problem or overwhelmed by the sheer complexity of a challenge? Has anyone ever told you that there’s just not much you, as one individual, can do to effect change?  If you are involved in Challenge Walk MS, you already have thumbed your nose at the notion that “ONE” person can’t make a difference. Did you know that you are walking in the footsteps of one very remarkable person?

Meet Sylvia Lawry.

Sylvia was born in 1915 in New York and as a young college student, had a younger brother who developed MS. Her family searched for years without success for treatments and cures. Sylvia finally took it upon herself to place a small ad in the New York Times seeking “anyone recovered from” MS to contact her.

The response to her ad demonstrated to her that there was a tremendous need for an organization to coordinate and finance research seeking a cause, treatment and a cure for MS.

This ONE young woman gathered a group of researchers in March of 1946 and founded what would become the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.

The amazing efforts of Sylvia Lawry, ONE lone individual, brought forth an organization that today has chapters serving all 50 states and devotes more than $48 million a year to support over more than 380 research projects dedicated to creating a world free of MS.

Go to the website of the NationalMS Society and click on “Leadership” to learn more.

Thank you, Sylvia!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Look Stylish, Stay Warm

Order this year’s Challenge Walk MS special wearable: a zippered, hooded sweatshirt with ribbed cuffs and hem for stylish, on-the-go comfort. 

It comes in vintage orange with the Challenge Walk MS logo embroidered on the front. Unisex sizes small-3X. Cost: $30. 

Orders are due by 8 a.m. on September 11 in order to be available for pick up at check-in.

CLICK HERE to order.

The Word of the day: FEET

by Jackie Piper


This is how your feet feel BEFORE you begin the Challenge Walk. See how happy they are? You would never suspect how complicated those sweet little tootsies are that carry us along for miles and miles. Here are some fun feet facts for you:

  • Your feet have 26 bones, 33 joints, and more than 100 tendons, muscles, and ligaments.
  • The World Record for the biggest foot is a whopping size 28 ½. (Try finding that at Payless!)
  • The foot accounts for 25% of all the bones in the human body.
  • Your foot has 250,000 sweat glands.  

Madeline Albrecht holds the Guiness World Record for the most feet smelled: 5,600. She worked for Dr. Scholls. (And I whined about my job.)

Now aren’t you feeling a little more respect for you feet? Be sure to pamper them on Challenge Walk weekend with fluffy slippers, lots of dry socks, foot soaks and a black marker to draw new “happy faces” on your toes.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

25 Words for 25 Days

by Jackie Piper

The Word of the day:  CHALLENGE

verb: to confront or defy boldly
noun: a difficult task or problem : something that is hard to do
        : an action, statement, etc., that is against something
        : a refusal to accept something as true, correct, or legal

I like Merriam-Webster’s definition of the word “challenge.”  It certainly describes the National MS Society Challenge Walk MS. Are we confronting the reality of MS? Check.  Are we defiant in the face of that reality? Check, check.  And there is no arguing that the Challenge Walk is difficult, hard and an absolute refusal to accept something as true.  That “something” is the idea that we are powerless to change what it means to have MS.

For the 25 days leading up to the Challenge Walk I would like to offer 25 words that define what “Challenge Walk” means to me. Maybe you have some words too!

August 13 Conference Call Recap

2014 registration numbers as of August 12, 2014:
128 walkers
3 virtual walkers
20 Super Crew
33 crew

$1,500 fundraising minimum is due August 29
$2,500+ is due by August 29 to be included in the Celebration Club

Jamie Wolf: This will be Jamie’s second year participating. 
Jamie Wolf
Why did you get involved?  A friend asked Jamie to be on her team.  She also takes care of MS patients as Nurse Practitioner.  Jamie is inspired by the strength and resolve of everyone participating in Challenge Walk, no matter their connection.

Important things to remember for the weekend:
  • Pack a half-day bag.
  • Take advantage of the medical staff before and during the day’s walk.  Don’t feel like you have to push through it – stop and get the blister looked at; ask for stretches to help with muscle fatigue and cramping.
  • Stay hydrated!

Anne Rogalski: This will be Anne’s seventh year participating.
Anne Rogalski (right) with her sister Nicole
Why do you stay involved?  Because of everyone out there raising money and participating in these events, Anne is able to walk 50 miles each year.  “It’s hard and you’ll be tired, but I really enjoy seeing old friends and it’s genuinely a good time.”

Important things to remember for the weekend:
  • Every three miles there are teams who have rest stops set up and compete for “Best Rest Stop” throughout the weekend.  Everyone has a chance to vote for their favorite rest stop on Sunday at lunch.
  • Massage! Best $30 you’ll spend on Fri & Sat – they know what you’ve just done and make it possible for you to get up the next morning.
  • Find a good pair of shoes and socks; change them every 10 miles.
  • The whole team of support staff and volunteers take great care of you and you never feel alone.

Next Conference Call: The last for Challenge Walk MS 2014!
Wednesday, September 10 at 6 p.m.
Dial 888-279-3775 and use code 4804#
Don’t miss your final chance to learn all the details leading up to Challenge Walk MS weekend and have your questions answered. It’s especially important for all first-time participants be on the call.

If you missed the July conference call, click here.

July 9 Conference Call Recap

As of July 8, 114 walkers are registered for 2014 (2 of the 114 are virtual walkers).

There are currently 19 Super Crew members. (Super Crew members are dedicated volunteers who pay the registration fee, raise the $1,500 pledge minimum and receive all the same benefits as walkers. These volunteers assist with a variety of responsibilities throughout the Challenge Walk weekend.)

There are currently 25 crew members. (Crew members are not required to pay the registration fee, but they are encouraged to fundraise. Overnight accommodations and meals are not included for crew members. However, those who raise $750 will receive Friday night lodging and participate in the Friday evening celebration dinner.)

One way you can help increase attendance is with the special Bring-a-Buddy offer. Recruit a new walker or Super Crew member to join you at Challenge Walk MS and you’ll each receive an orange-a-licious spirit basket at check in. This basket will be packed full of fun items, you’ll be the envy of other participants AND have someone special with you to enjoy the weekend.

Lastly, remember the $1,500 fundraising minimum must be submitted by August 29, 2014 with the final fundraising deadline being September 22, 2014.

Our Co-Host: Jane Jacobson:
Doug & Jane Jacobson
  • Jane has MS and is a five-year Challenge Walk veteran. Last year she walked with her husband, Doug, and made many new friends throughout the weekend.
  • The first year participating in Challenge Walk MS, Jane was a Super Crew member.  After the inspiring weekend, she knew she could join the others on the course as a walker.
  • Her husband, Doug, walks 50 miles each year, while Jane walks 10 miles each morning for a weekend total of 30.

Our Co-Host: Jackie Piper
  • Jackie is also a five-year Challenge Walk veteran and participates with her team, MS Warriors.
  • Jackie Piper (left) with members of her team
  • Each year, Jackie completes 50 miles during the Challenge Walk MS weekend.
  • To train prior to the event she aims for a goal of walking seven days a week, which typically means she’ll lace up her shoes at least five of those seven days.

Training Tips From the Veterans:
Typically Jane and Doug walk a five mile training route – 2.5 miles to Starbuck’s and 2.5 miles back.  This is a good distance for them and allows for a nice mid-way break if needed.

Jackie follows a similar schedule to the program on the Challenge Walk MS website, but limits the longer mileage until shortly before the event weekend.  Then she takes the last few days off to rest.
  • The Mapmywalk app is a great tool to use for training or a pedometer or Fitbit is also suggested to log steps and mileage.

Listen to your body while training and during the weekend! Training every day works for some, while others may need a day of rest in between.

For the weekend-of here are some suggestions from the veterans to help keep you on the road:
  • Bring snacks to enjoy nightly before dinner.
  • Beverages help keep you hydrated – protein shakes, Gatorade, etc.  KEEP HYDRATED!
  • Heating pads or ice post-walk each day.
  • Over the counter pain reliever to keep ahead of any pain, rather than waiting for the pain to start.
  • Take advantage of all of the volunteers and staff available during the weekend – massage therapists, medical staff, SAG vehicle volunteers.  Don’t try to be “big and brave.” They are here to make your experience the best possible! Benefit from the pampering that is there to make you more comfortable!

Things to bring to help improve your weekend-of experience (take advantage of your Half-day Bag and consider including many of these items):
  • Bring a friendly smile – this is a wonderful rime to connect with other walkers while walking or at any time during the weekend.  The impact of the shared experience is one you don’t get very often!
  • Two pairs of shoes that have been broken in during training.  Visit a walking store to get fitted correctly – look for a tighter ankle and a wide toe box.  Sometimes it takes a pair or two to find one that really works best for you.
  • Plenty of moisture-wicking socks that aren’t too tight (decreases circulation).
  • Bodyglide works well for some, while Baby Powder is also a good substitute.
  • Wear layers!  Pants, shorts, long-sleeved t-shirts, t-shirts, light jacket, lightweight rain gear, etc.

Thank you all for being a part of this year’s second Challenge Walk MS conference call. If anyone has questions please feel free to contact us:
Nichole Shaffer – 262-369-4416
Jamie Baker – 262-369-4435
Jane or Jackie – Please reach out to Nichole or Jamie and they can connect you.

Monday, July 7, 2014

A Mattress for My Feet

by Jackie Piper

Let me begin my post today by sharing that I am old. Actually, according to one of my grandchildren, I’m “really old.” I am also not athletic. I am also NOT slim or svelte. This is just some essential background information that is part of the story of how I came to find my most favorite walking shoes of all time.

Last year at about this time I was in the market for a new pair of walking shoes. I get a new pair every summer as my “back up” pair as I train for Challenge Walk MS. We were at the Mall of America en route to our vacation spot and I ventured into the Nike store where there were literally hundreds of shoes on display.  

“Surely, I can find an awesome pair of shoes in here!” I said to myself.

Well, don’t call me Shirley because I never could find anyone to wait on me, perhaps because I am (a) old, (b) not athletic, or (c) not thin or svelte.

So….I strolled out the door and around the Mall until I came upon the Sketcher store. I’ve always thought of Sketchers as being for skateboarders. Not sure why. However, I was immediately approached by an enthusiastic young male clerk who was approximately 12 years old. (What are the labor laws in Minnesota??)  

I shared with him that I was looking for a pair of very comfortable walking shoes to train and use for a very long walk.  When I told him how long of a walk, he was appropriately impressed. 

He immediately and decisively announced, “I know just the shoes you need.”

With a flourish he brought me a pair of shoes that were lighter than air and said these magic words:
“They have Memory Foam inside, like the mattress.”

I put them on and fell in love right there in the Sketcher/skateboarder store in front of the 12-year-old... with a pair of shoes. I wore them to train thereafter and when I got home from vacation, ordered a second pair.

Last year was my fourth Challenge Walk, and I’ve got to tell you: I may be old, non-athletic and slightly overweight, but for 50 miles, I had some very happy feet!

Jackie will help host the next Challenge Walk MS conference call on Wednesday, July 9, and share helpful training tips. To join the call, dial 888-279-3775, and use conference code 4804#. The call begins at 6 p.m. Additional calls will be held August 13 and September 10. 


Thursday, June 19, 2014

June 11 Challenge Walk MS Conference Call Recap

  •  As of June 10, 114 walkers are registered for Challenge Walk MS 2014 (2 of the 114 are virtual walkers)
  • There currently are 18 Super Crew members registered. (Super Crew members are dedicated volunteers who pay the registration fee, raise the $1,500 pledge minimum and receive all the same benefits as walkers. These volunteers assist with a variety of responsibilities throughout the Challenge Walk weekend.)
  • There are 22 crew members who have registered. (Crew members are not required to pay the registration fee, but they are encouraged to fundraise. Overnight accommodations and meals are not included for crew members. However, those who raise $750 will receive Friday night lodging and participate in the Friday evening celebration dinner.)
  • With the special Bring-a-Buddy offer, if you recruit a new walker or Super Crew member to join you at Challenge Walk MS, you’ll each receive an orange-a-licious spirit basket at check in. This basket will be packed full of fun items, you’ll be the envy of other participants AND have someone special with you to enjoy the weekend.
  • Lastly, remember the $1,500 fundraising minimum must be submitted by August 29, 2014 with the final fundraising deadline being September 22, 2014.

Conference Call Host: Pam Evason
  • Pam is a 2nd year Challenge Walk veteran. Last year she walked with her mom and made many new friends throughout the weekend.
  • Besides the impact that Challenge Walk had on Pam, she was able to make an impact within the MS Movement by raising $2,110.
  • Pam fundraised by using the portal through her participant page, Facebook, e-mail and sharing her upcoming challenge that she was going to take on. She shared the importance of thanking donors no matter what the gift size. Pam personalized her thank you postcard by adding pictures from the weekend and writing each friend an individual message on the back. She shared that this was special for her friends and they thanked her for sending the postcard.   

Sarah Hwang: Her story and success
·         Sarah has done an outstanding job in terms of fundraising. She is not a Challenge walker, but as of today she is the #1 fundraiser in the state of Wisconsin for Walk MS 2014, raising more than $21,000 this year.
  • Fundraising methods: Sarah never made a single phone call; she did all of her fundraising through Facebook, e-mail and just sharing her story. Sarah was persistent – she would reach out to each and every person in her contact list, whether she knew them closely or not, and if someone said they were going to give a gift then she followed up with them to ensure the gift was coming. She shared also that no gift is too small. She thanked her $100 donors just as much as her $5 donors.
  • Sarah also used matching gifts through her husband and his employer. It’s always important to check with your employer if they will match any gifts along with the employers of your team members and your sponsors/donors.   
  • Sarah and her husband, Milt, conducted a very interesting DIY (Do It Yourself) fundraiser in advance of Walk MS. It was called “Fighting MS, Egg Roll Style.”

-          Sarah took Milt’s talent of cooking amazing Chinese food and put it to a great cause. Milt cooked all evening for guests, there was a cover charge but the food and Milt’s time was donated by Sarah and Milt. With many in attendance, they were able to raise over $2,500 that evening alone.
-          They also had a silent auction that evening. The silent auction item went for $600 alone. The item was an evening at Milt & Sarah’s home with cooking instruction from the host himself.
-          Lastly they had customized fortune cookies which all the guests were very impressed with. They had messages like, “Walk MS is in your future” and “We will find a cure.”

Open to discussion: Things shared by others
  • One of the hardest things is asking for money and getting a rejection. It’s key to use every contact whether you know them closely or not. Sarah shared that she received a donation from her son’s friend’s mother on their way to a game, also from her construction contractor. Never stop sharing your story – people do listen and want to support a great cause.
  • The size of a gift doesn’t matter but remind others that their participation does. Engage them in the event.
  • There are many other ways to raise money; some other examples of DIYS are listed below.
    -          Host a yard game tournament at your house
    -          Host a food night, create some unique dishes or use someone’s talent to cook and charge a cover for individuals as they enter.
    -          Host a movie night, provide specialty popcorn and enjoy a relaxing evening with family and friends, again charge a cover at the door. 

If you have questions or want further information about Challenge Walk MS or the items covered during the conference call, feel free to contact: Nichole Shaffer at 262-369-4416 or Jamie Baker at 262-369-4435.

The next conference call will be Wednesday, July 9 at 6 p.m. Hosted by seven-year participant Jackie Piper and other veteran Challenge Walk MS participants, the theme will be training. Dial 888-279-3775 and use code 4804#

Thursday, May 29, 2014

You're Invited to a Brat Fry

In the Sheboygan area this Saturday? Stop by the Blurred Lines Brat Fry at Water Street Pub (931 N. 12th St. in Sheboygan) from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. to enjoy some brats, burgers and all-day raffles. Proceeds benefit the National MS Society. The DIY fundraiser is being put on by Challenge Walk MS veteran Stacey Remington

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Hey Brother

by Jackie Piper

Recently, I was driving with my 6-year-old grandson in the car listening to his favorite song, HEY BROTHER. There’s a line in the song that goes:
The babies who walked 22 miles (and their legs are so short!).

“If the sky came falling down for you,
There’s nothing in this world I wouldn’t do."

Eli asked me, “Hey Grandma, what does that mean?”  

Oh dear, how to explain a double negative to a 6-year-old! What I  told him was, it means that when life gets hard for you, there are very special people who would do ANYTHING to help you, to make your life better.  

Like walk 50 miles with you.

I’m amazed at the number of people who commit to this incredible weekend who have no immediate family member affected by MS. Those people are there out of friendship, because they have a friend whose life has been affected by MS.

Have you ever seen the commercial with the guy trying to get his friends to help him move? They all make up excuses as to why they can’t help him. Not so our Challenge Walk friends!

We call them and say: "Do you want to spend the weekend with me and walk 50 miles, possibly in rain, wind, and 45-degree temperatures with blisters, aching muscles, sore feet, and exhaustion? Oh, and by the way, could you bring at least $1,500 with you?"

And, incredibly, they come.

Look around this September and you will see the “friends” of Challenge Walk on every team. You may have noticed the pregnant ladies on the walk last year. One was my daughter, Annie, whose husband has MS, and one was her friend, Vanessa. They walked 22½ miles over the three days. Now that, my friend, is a friend indeed.

I raise my glass to Vanessa, Molly, Lacey, Debbie and all of YOUR friends who answer the call and say: There’s nothing in this world I wouldn’t do.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


by Diane Thompson

It is hard to believe that in less than four months, I will be in Tanzania, Africa! Yes, that's right, I am going to AFRICA! Multiple sclerosis is not going to hold me back this time.

Diane Thompson will be traveling to
Tanzania this summer. What a way
to train for Challenge Walk MS!
I have been preparing for this trip since November by working out at the local YMCA with a friend who will also be making the journey with me. Four to five times a week we lift weights, walk or even run a few laps, and enjoy some much needed stretching.

Even more important than the physical strength that I have gained, I have also gained a travel companion who can tell if I am close to "overdoing it." This is very important since I don't always want to listen to my body when I travel. I want to GO, GO, GO!

My neurologist has also been working with me by making sure that all of my shots are up to date and that I will have all of my daily and precautionary medications.

Who knows, maybe I will come back from Tanzania even healthier than when I left. I will be in a village where they don't use any pesticides or herbicides on their food, there is plenty of sunshine, the temperatures will be in the mid 70's and they take naps in the afternoon.

Stay tuned for further details on the "Tanzania Treatment". I will be back from Tanzania for about a month before Challenge Walk MS. I can't wait to share my adventures with all of you!

Friday, April 25, 2014

Ready to Walk?

Walk MS kicks off in Wisconsin this weekend with 10 events throughout the state. Another six events will take place next weekend, and four more walks are scheduled for September (including two new sites in Oshkosh and Stevens Point). If you're at any of the locations, spread the word about another great walk event -- Challenge Walk MS!

For details on the Walk MS dates and locations, visit

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

When Do You Replace Your Shoes?

According to "The Walking Site" (  

"Keep track of how many miles you have put on your shoes, and replace them every 300 to 600 miles. (If you are wearing very light weight shoes, are overweight, or you are hard on your shoes stay toward the low end on mileage.) To extend the life of your shoes be sure to only wear them only for your walks. Also rotating two pair of shoes will give them time to 'bounce back' between walks."

What recommendations have you heard?

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

He's Such a Ham

In case you missed it, Bernie Hengels was featured in the March edition of the Wisconsin Chapter's Volunteer e-Newsletter. Bernie is one of the fabulous ham radio operators who act as the eyes and ears of Challenge Walk MS to keep participants safe while they're on the routes. He was asked to share why he is involved in the event. Here's his answer:

Being an amateur (ham) radio operator and providing communication service for Challenge Walk MS for the past 5 years has been personally rewarding in that I have met many people that I now call friends. Being part of a team, which includes the SAG drivers and the medical trainers, allow us to work as a cohesive unit and not as individuals. Each team member adds to the success of the event.

Our preparation is year-round as we typically meet 6 weeks prior to the event, immediately after the event for a recap, and throughout the year planning for improvements and securing additional equipment to augment our efforts. As we speak, some of us have already acquired new equipment to use at Challenge Walk MS 2014 and are working on an interactive mapping program that will show the whereabouts of each team member vehicle any time. 

I continue to participate and serve as I have co-workers and personal friends with the disease. Together we can win this.


Bernie de N9YMC
Bernie (third from left) with other ham radio operators for Challenge Walk MS

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Challenge Walker Hires New Training Coach

by Jackie Piper

How many of you out there are logging miles this winter in anticipation of Challenge Walk 2014? If you are like me, you are using this ridiculous weather as an excuse to postpone training. I mean, really, walk when there's 18 inches of snow on the ground and it's -39 wind chill?? While this excuse has been working really well for me, I finally decided I needed to do something to get moving in spite of winter. So, I went out and found a Training Coach to get me motivated. 

When I first approached Goofy and explained the purpose of Challenge Walk MS and how much I needed him to motivate me, he said: "Garsh"!  

Then, he tried to put on my T-shirt to show how excited he was to help.

We couldn't get it over his nose.

He was super enthusiastic about holding up the Challenge Walk MS T-shirt for a photo, though, against the wishes of his handlers. And, he gave me a big thumbs up about being my Training Coach to get me in shape to walk 50 miles. All I could say was, "Garsh, thanks Goofy!"

If you think you would like a "Training Coach" to help you get moving, there is an entire cast of characters hanging out with Goofy ready to sign on. I would be happy to return to Orlando and make the arrangements for you!

On a more serious note, the arrival of my T-shirt in the mail gave me a push to start walking now and not wait for the snow to melt. I don't have a treadmill or belong to a gym, but our local mall is open early every day for walkers. Time to tie up my shoes and get walkin'! 
Jackie Piper with her celebrity Challenge Walk MS Training Coach.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Training T-shirts Are On the Way

This year's training T-shirts are packaged, posted and waiting for the mail carrier to pick them up today. If you've already registered for the 2014 Challenge Walk MS (Sept. 19-21 in Door County), watch for your shirt to arrive next week.

Just how many have registered? As of this week -- 90; and 21 of those are new participants! (By comparison, there were 50 people registered at this time last year.) That means you're doing a great job of telling others about the event and encouraging them to give it a try or return for another year.

Haven't registered yet? Sign up during the month of February and receive a certificate for a free massage during Challenge Walk MS weekend. We'll also send you your very own T-shirt to wear while you're training.

How have you been training?
Share your best practices and fun ideas for training. Those tips are especially helpful for rookie participants who have never prepared for Challenge Walk MS before. Email your suggestions and advice to Include a photo of you in your training T-shirt, too!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

A Fun Way to Warm Up and Fundraise

Challenge Walk MS team Multiple Screwballs is holding a Zumbathon fundraiser in January.

Looking for ways to increase your fundraising total? Visit the fundraising page on the Challenge Walk MS website for ideas and resources.