Wednesday, December 9, 2015

She’s the Queen of Volunteers and Transporter of Socks

Diane Hackbarth (right) sparkles in her tiara with Challenge Walk MS
participant Cindy LeBlanc at the 2015 event.
Diane Hackbarth has been a familiar face at Challenge WalkMS since 2010. A long-time Walk MS participant, she added the three-day, 50-mile event to her annual schedule out of dedication to her daughter, who was diagnosed with MS 10 years ago.

Hackbarth was unofficially crowned as the “Queen of Volunteers and Transporter of Socks” at this year’s Challenge Walk in recognition of the amount of volunteer work she does for the National MS Society. In addition to leading the Walk MS: Sheboygan committee and helping throughout the weekend at Challenge Walk each year, she crosses state lines to participate in Bike MS: Twin Cities. 

At Challenge Walk itself, Hackbarth helps out in a number of ways, including transporting the walkers’ half-day bags (which often contain a fresh pair of socks) to and from the lunch stop each day.

What is it about Challenge Walk that keeps her coming back?

“It’s all about the people,” Hackbarth said. “I’ve met so many wonderful people from all over the state, all over the country. It’s a vacation to come here and spend time with them again.

“I do this because 10 years ago my daughter was diagnosed with MS and I found out that MS is stronger than a mom’s kiss – I couldn’t kiss it and make it better,” she added. “So I volunteer to raise money for the people who can [make it better], and they’re doing wonderful work. As long as they’re making progress, I’ll keep volunteering.”