Thursday, February 20, 2014

Challenge Walker Hires New Training Coach

by Jackie Piper

How many of you out there are logging miles this winter in anticipation of Challenge Walk 2014? If you are like me, you are using this ridiculous weather as an excuse to postpone training. I mean, really, walk when there's 18 inches of snow on the ground and it's -39 wind chill?? While this excuse has been working really well for me, I finally decided I needed to do something to get moving in spite of winter. So, I went out and found a Training Coach to get me motivated. 

When I first approached Goofy and explained the purpose of Challenge Walk MS and how much I needed him to motivate me, he said: "Garsh"!  

Then, he tried to put on my T-shirt to show how excited he was to help.

We couldn't get it over his nose.

He was super enthusiastic about holding up the Challenge Walk MS T-shirt for a photo, though, against the wishes of his handlers. And, he gave me a big thumbs up about being my Training Coach to get me in shape to walk 50 miles. All I could say was, "Garsh, thanks Goofy!"

If you think you would like a "Training Coach" to help you get moving, there is an entire cast of characters hanging out with Goofy ready to sign on. I would be happy to return to Orlando and make the arrangements for you!

On a more serious note, the arrival of my T-shirt in the mail gave me a push to start walking now and not wait for the snow to melt. I don't have a treadmill or belong to a gym, but our local mall is open early every day for walkers. Time to tie up my shoes and get walkin'! 
Jackie Piper with her celebrity Challenge Walk MS Training Coach.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Training T-shirts Are On the Way

This year's training T-shirts are packaged, posted and waiting for the mail carrier to pick them up today. If you've already registered for the 2014 Challenge Walk MS (Sept. 19-21 in Door County), watch for your shirt to arrive next week.

Just how many have registered? As of this week -- 90; and 21 of those are new participants! (By comparison, there were 50 people registered at this time last year.) That means you're doing a great job of telling others about the event and encouraging them to give it a try or return for another year.

Haven't registered yet? Sign up during the month of February and receive a certificate for a free massage during Challenge Walk MS weekend. We'll also send you your very own T-shirt to wear while you're training.

How have you been training?
Share your best practices and fun ideas for training. Those tips are especially helpful for rookie participants who have never prepared for Challenge Walk MS before. Email your suggestions and advice to Include a photo of you in your training T-shirt, too!