by Marian Rezel
Celebrate and share
- Send your supporters a thank you card. Include how much $$ the walk raised or how much $$ you or your team raised. Include a photo from the event. Supporters really appreciate this and are more likely to support you next year.
Members of Marian's team at the Challenge Walk MS 2013 finish line. |
Plan for next year
- On our way home from Door County to Milwaukee in Car #1, two of my daughters brainstormed ideas for a rest-stop for next year. Meanwhile in Car #2, my other daughter and I talked about what went best and what we could improve on for next year.
- Plan fund-raising ideas for next year. I am back at my
sewing machine, filling orders for hand-made purses and aprons. I’m hoping to actually get ahead this year and
open an Etsy shop on-line. We are also finishing the final hand knit hat orders
for Tadpoles in Delafield, Wis. The lovely shop owners have been supporting our
mission for the past three years; stop in if you are in the Delafield
- We are also planning a major fund-raising event in the Milwaukee area, more to come on that as soon as it develops.
Keep connected
- Read the blog, go ahead and post a comment or two, too (or is it tu-tu?). We
love hearing back from you.
- Create a Facebook group for your team. It’s an easy way to
share thoughts and ideas and plan fundraising.
- Participate in another MS event. My girls and I participate in Walk MS each spring and sponsored a rest stop at the Bike MS: Best Dam Bike Ride last summer (awesome, going to do that again). Don’t forget the MS Snowmobile Tour January 23-25, 2014.