Let the fundraising begin!
My first year as a Challenge Walker I thought, “How in the world am I going to raise $1,500?” Jill, my Team Captain, said start by making a list of 30 people that you know who might donate $50. I started making my list, and then I hesitated. I was concerned about the awkwardness of asking friends and family for money. Today, two years later, I am eager to talk about Challenge Walk MS and request a donation from anyone who will listen!
What did I learn that changed my mind? Two very important lessons.
First, one of the goals of Challenge Walk MS is to spread awareness about MS. In order to do that, you have to start talking about MS. More than once I have heard, “You’re walking for MS? That’s great! My mom/friend/professor/co-worker/aunt has MS. Thanks so much for what you’re doing.”
Last year our team did a brat fry at a local grocery store. Our profit was a little disappointing, but we did a great job of informing the community about MS. We had posters up on our booth and had fliers available for people who had questions about the disease and about the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. MS is a disease that people know little about and one of our jobs as Challenge Walkers is to help inform our communities.
The second thing I’ve learned about fundraising is a little obvious, but here it goes: people can’t donate if you don’t ask them. I was nervous when I asked to speak to the owner of Fantastic Sam’s in West Bend about donating and participating in our team’s Pin Up program. She was wonderful though. She said her store would be glad to run the Pin Up campaign and that she would match whatever her customers donated. I’m really excited about getting Fantastic Sam’s involved with Team Marty and Clyde and I can’t believe I almost didn’t ask because I was scared.
So my advice to first time Challenge Walkers (or veteran Challenge Walkers) is to talk about Challenge Walk to everyone who will listen and to make a list of at least 30 people and 10 businesses that you can ask for donations. You’ll be happy you did.