Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Greetings Challenge Walkers! The weather around Port Washington has been more like early March than mid-May, with persistent cold winds off the lake. This kind of climate makes it difficult to keep motivated with our training regimen. Well, let’s be honest, we have not started said training regimen. We are starting the 18-week program in a few weeks … promise.

But we have not been exactly idle either. In late April we held the 3rd Annual We’re Egan to Cure MS Fund Raiser at TJ Middle School in Port Washington. More than 50 vendors and crafters participated. The event was a big success. Hopefully your fund raising efforts are off to a great start as well.

As we swing into the busy summer season, it may become more difficult to stay motivated with respect to training. It is safe to say that everyone who has accepted the Challenge has been affected or knows someone affected by MS. As we set about what can be tedious and time consuming road work, it might help to keep in mind the singular purpose in which we are all involved: to find a cure. Or as one gentleman at last year’s candlelight ceremony succinctly and tersely put it: the goal is to “find a cure for this god damn disease and put the MS Society out of business.” (Any chance this can become the new MS slogan?)

By Mike and Jenny Egan